- Computer Architecture, CPU, Registry, execution, interrupt, memory hierarchy, I/O, procedure - Modern Operating Systems: definition, goals, layer architecture, kernel/user mode - process: dispatching, state, description and control, common models and memory management for process execution - memory management: allocation, partitioning, best/first/next fit, buddy algorithm, paging, segmentation - Virtual memory - process address space, page fault, trashing, policies: fetch cleaning eviction placement, page buffering, load control, disk caching, memory mapped files. - Hw support: paging, page tables, inverted page tables, MAS and SAS, TLB, page size, segmentation - Resident set management: OPT, LRU, FIFO, CLOCK, Aging. - Working set: definition, LRU, PFF. - Scheduling: FCFS, RR, VRR, SPN, SRT, FB, comparisons, linux 2.6 - Disk Scheduling, RAID - UNIX File Management, inode, Linux VFS, ext2
- process management via C Programming Language
- linux introduction - documentation (man, info, less), filesystem organization, basic commands (ls, pwd, cd, cat). - shell: bash, prompt, help, environment variable, env, $PATH, export; - file and directory management: touch, mv, rm, cp, mkdir, rmdir - editors and graphical framework: vi, emacs, X, window manager, gnome, kde, kwrite, gedit - process linux: sleeping ready/running and stopped, terminal, standard input, output, error, I/O, redirection, ps, top, pstree, ^C, ^Z, background, bg, fg, &, kill, kill -9, signals - regular expressions and grep, sed, stdin, stdout, stderr, redirection (,,, 2), background (&), and (&&), or (||), time, alias, du, df, g(un)zip, b(un)zip, (un)lzma, tar - Scripting and awk (patterns, statements, flow control, variables, array, $0..$n, FS, RS, NR, NF). - linux filesystem: mount, stat, ln - Debugger: gdb stepping, breakpoints, watching, backtrace. Comandi gdb: r, quit, b, info br, help, l, n, s, dis, del, bt, frame, c, ignore, cond, p, display.
- service virtualization: Docker - Docker Run - Terminology -2.0 Webapps with Docker - Docker Images - Dockerfile - Docker on AWS -3.0 Multi-container Environments - Docker Network - Docker Compose
(reference books)
Il corso è in parte basato sul testo
W. Stallings, "Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles", 6th edition. Prentice Hall.
Tuttavia alcuni argomenti sono trattati solo sulle slide linkate nel programma del corso. Per le parti pratiche non vi sono testi di riferimento e si presume che lo studente segua le lezioni ma la seguente documentazione può essere molto utile.
Documentazione on-line dei comandi Unix/Linux installati nel sistema stesso. M. Cooper - Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide Uno qualsiasi dei Tutorial per Awk Uno qualsiasi dei Tutorial per Programmazione in Linguaggio C