Computer Architecture, Operative System, Problem, Algorithm, Software, Representation of information, Software compiling and execution, Python development environment, Languages - syntax and semantics, Types and expressions, Functions in Python, Conditional instructions, Repetitive instructions, Strings, Dictionaries, Tuples and Matrix in Python, Sorting algorithms, Specification and correctness of software, Computational complexity, Files and Exceptions, Linear Algebra, Linear equations and sets, Matrices in Algebra, Determinant, Reverse matrix, Rank of a matrix, Gauss, Algebraic functions, Vector spaces, Generators, Bases, Operations between subspaces, Affine spaces, Homomorphism, Image, Kernel, Logic, Geometry in the plane and space
Course calendar will be essentially organized in two similar-length parts: Linear Algebra and Foundation of Computer science.
(reference books)
“Programmazione in Python”, di Lambert Kenneth, Maggioli Editore, Giugno 2018 (II Edizione).
“Geometria” di G. Accascina e V. Monti http://www.dmmm.uniroma1.it/accascinamonti/geogest/Geometria.pdf