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20801754 MACHINES in Mechanical engineering LM-33 SALVINI CORIOLANO
Steam power plants: Hirn’s cycle, effect of steam parameters on cycle performance, regenerative heating of feed-water. Gas Turbine plants: thermodynamic cycle analysis, regenerative heating, state of-the-art and future trends. . Gas-steam combined plants: thermodynamic cycle analysis, CHP applications. Stirling engine. Fuel cells. Internal Combustion Engines: reference thermodynamic cycles, features and performance of SI and CI engines. Refrigeration plants: reference thermodynamic cycles, heat pumps, absorption systems.
(reference books)
Reference texts: CAPUTO C., “Gli impianti convertitori di energia”, ed. Masson, Milano, 1997, CAPUTO C., “Le turbomacchine”, ed. Masson, Milano, 1994; CAPUTO C., “Le macchine volumetriche”, ed. Masson, Milano, 1997.
Folow up texts: BECCARI A., CAPUTO C., “Motori termici volumetrici”, ed. UTET, Torino, 1987; LOZZA G., “Turbine a gas e cicli combinati”, Soc. Editrice Esculapio, Bologna, 1996; DIXON S. L., “Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery”, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1982; COHEN H., ROGERS G. F. C., SARAVANAMUTTOO H. I. H., “Gas Turbine Theory”, Lomgman Group Ltd, Padstow, 1996;