Module 1 (6 credits) 1. Introduction to hw and sw of digital computers 2. User interfaces: GUI and terminal shell (linux install) 3. High- and low-level languages: JIT compilation, Julia 4. Intro to programming: simple types, variables and functions 5. Intro to programming: data types, control of execution flow 6. Structured data types: array, tuple, dictionary 7. Data structures: list, stack, queue, binary tree, graph 8. I/O and network: file formats, serialization, encodings 9. Main algorithms: merge, sort, intro to complexity Module 2 (3 credits) 10. Linear algebra with vectors and matrices 11. Julia packages: timing and function visualization 12. Markup of documents: html, json, latex, pandoc 13. Intro to Python: differences with Julia
(reference books)
1. Teaching materials from teacher (on GitHub). 2. [Think Julia: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist](https://benlauwens.github.io/ThinkJulia.jl/latest/book.html)