The module introduces the analysis of the innovative theories on consciousness and personal identity elaborated between the end of the seventeenth and the middle of the eighteenth century by John Locke and David Hume, theories that have constituted inescapable points of reference around the question of personal identity in the subsequent philosophical debate and are still the subject of attention, especially by the philosophy of mind.The first teaching unit is dedicated to the analysis and commentary of Chap. XXVII of Book II of the "Essay on the Human Understanding" by John Locke. The second teaching unit is dedicated to the analysis and commentary of Section VI of Part IV of Book I of the "Treatise on Human Nature" by David Hume, dedicating part of the lessons to the commentary of passages of Books II and III dedicated to the theme of the ego subject of passions. To facilitate the understanding of the texts, reference will be made to some studies of scientific literature in Italian and English that are an integral part of the examination program.
(reference books)
Unit 1: 1. John Locke, Essay Concerning Human Understanding (in particular chap. XXVII of Second Book). Edition: Laterza, or UTET, or Bompiani. 2. W. Uzgalis, Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding. A Reader's Guide, London-New York, Continuum, 2007 (pp. 62-73, available in pdf text in the section 'Materiali' of the Teacher's Home Page on the FILCOSPE Departmente web site). Unit 2: 3. David Hume, Treatise on Human Nature (in particular Section VI Part IV Book I) Edition: Laterza, or UTET, or Bompiani. 4. Lorenzo Greco, L’identità personale in David Hume: dalle passioni all’etica, in «Thaumàzein», 2, 2014, pp. 247-264 (downloadable at the address: http://dx.doi.org/10.13136/thau.v2i0.26.g27)