The course deals with a critical analysis of gender representations in the media. The first part gives an overview on the concept of gender and the role of media in the social construction of male and female identities. The course aims to provide students with the methodological tools to analyse communication practices in various media (whether digital or not) from a gendered perspective. The second part is dedicated to lab activities. The research lab includes working in groups and will involve students in the design of research paths on specific topics.
(reference books)
D. Richardson (2015), Conceptualising Gender, in V. Robinson & D. Richardson (eds), Gender and Women’s Studies, Palgrave, pp. 3-22 A. L. Tota (2008), Gender e media. Verso un immaginario sostenibile, Meltemi, Milano (PAR.: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10) S. Capecchi (2014), Methodological problems in gender and media research, Qual Quant, 48, pp. 837–844