The course aims to provide students with skills related to film grammar for the analisys of film style. The notion of "film direction" will be investigated from both a technical and historical perspective, to analyze its evolution starting from the analysis of case studies ranging from classical cinema to contemporary cinema.
In the first part of the course the techniques, the direction styles and the staging strategies that contribute to the configuration of dominant representation models in film history will be deepened. In the second part, the focus will be on the works of Francis Ford Coppola and Stanley Kubrick. The directors' films will be considered as fertile fields of application for testing the stylistic analysis skills acquired in the first part of the course.
(reference books)
V. Zagarrio, Francis Ford Coppola. Un sogno lungo il cinema, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2020.
V. Zagarrio (cura di), Per Kubrick. Storia romanzo sguardi, Roma, Dino Audino, 2020.
A. Mazzoleni, L'ABC del linguaggio cinematografico, Roma, Dino Audino, 2002