In the second half of the XXth Century, artistic movements definitively dismantled the notion of the “specificity” of the medium (painting, sculpture etc.), one of the pillars of the modernist aesthetic. From new dada to pop art, from Fluxus to the movements born in the second half of the 1960s, to postmodernist practiced based on appropriation, distinctions between media were abolished and replaced by creative practices in which conceptual, allegorical and performative elements imposed a radical redefinition of the work of art through the annexation of new media (photography, film, video, digital images). The course deals with key moments of this process from the1850s to the 1970s through close examination of key works from the period, and readings of critical essays on the subject.
(reference books)
1) S. Bordini (a cura di), Arte contemporanea e tecniche. Materiali, procedimenti, sperimentazioni, Carocci, Roma 2007
F. Poli (a cura di), Arte moderna. Dal Postimpressionismo all’Informale, Electa, Milano 2007 (i seguenti saggi: C. Zambianchi, Le ricerche postimpressioniste, pp. 10-29; M. Lorandi, Simbolismo, pp. 30-53)[PDF download area, professor's website]
V.I. Stoichita, Dello sguardo ostacolato. Per una storia dell’Impressionismo, in “Annali della Fondazione Europea del Disegno”, Il Melangolo, Genova 2009, pp. 65-87 [PDF download area, professor's website]
V.I. Stoichita, La pittura impressionista vista da e con Schapiro: Caillebotte e l’intreccio visivo, in Meyer Schapiro e i metodi della storia dell’arte, a cura di L. Bortolotti, C. Cieri Via, M.G. Di Monte, M. Di Monte, Mimesis Edizioni, Milano – Udine 2010, pp. 105-113 [PDF download area, professor's website]
W. Benjamin, L’opera d’arte nell’epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica, prima stesura dattiloscritta (1935-1936) [PDF download area, professor's website]
2) Selection of images available for attending and non-attending students [PDF download area, professor's website].