What is an emotion? History of an idea from natural philosophy to neuroscience
Module 1 - Introduction to the course, sense of history, ethics, politics and social factors of the sciences of the mind and the brain
• Why study the history of the science of the mind. • Politics, ethics and sciences of the mind and brain. What relationships?
Module 2 - Passions, affections, emotions, feelings. The universe of discourse on human emotional processes. Critical analysis and introductory history
• Categories for defining the concept of Emotion.
Module 3 - Psyche, emotions and body in Greek thought The philosophers of nature and emotions • Passions, Psyche and body in Plato • Aristotle and the passions. • Emotions in Stoicism. • A medicine of the passions: Hippocrates.
Module 4 - Brain, mind, passions and diseases from the Alexandrian medical school in Galen
Module 5 - The scientific revolution, the birth of modern science and new research on the mind and brain
Module 6 - Brain, mind and passions between the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution • Body and emotions from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance • Descartes: the passions of the soul, body and mechanism
Module 7 - Theories of passions, body and reason in the eighteenth century • Hobbes • Spinoza • Pascal • The emotions and the body in French materialism between the 1700s and 1800s
Module 8 - Philosophy, psychology and ethics of affective states in British empiricism and associations
• Psychology, philosophy and ethics of affective states in British empiricism and associations • John Locke, David Hartley, Adam Smith, David Hume • Association, emotion and movement in James Mill • Associations, mental chemistry, utilitarianism and emotions
Module 8 - The definition of the psychological category of emotion: Thomas Brown
• Thomas Brown: movement, emotion and knowledge and the definition of emotions as a psychological category
Module 9 - Emotions and Evolutionism
• From fixism to evolutionism • Lamarck and Spencer emotions as the engine of evolution • Evolution, emotions and knowledge. Spencer and the hypothesis of evolutionary epistemology • Darwin's evolutionism • The expression of emotions and emotions as adaptive tools
Module 10 - The dawn of the neurophysiology of emotions and emotional behavior • Bell, Magendie, Flourens, Marshall Hall, Alexander Bain
Module 11 - Williams James and the psychophysiological breakthrough in the study of emotions. Advent and development of somatic theories of emotions
• The advent of the biology of emotions and experimental studies on affective processes: Somatic theories of emotions and critical developments. • What is an emotion? William James • The theory of Giuseppe Sergi • Emotions, evolution and knowledge. John Dewey's pragmatism
Module 12 - The localization of emotions in the brain
• Theoretical-critical notes on localization (phrenology, neophrenology) • Mosso, Cannon, Hess, bard, Olds Milner, Delgado, the case of Phineas Gage • Kluwer Bucy, Weiskrantz and the amygdala • Side emotions • Frontal emotions .. between Leonardo Bianchi, Moniz, Bechara and Damasio • Localize emotions critical notes ... new phrenology? ...
Module 13 - The return to an integrationist vision of emotions and the psycho-evolutionary synthesis
• Papez, MacLean, Pribram and the outline of the idea of the somatic marker, Plutchik, Damasio • Return to the expressions of emotions, Ekman's evolutionism
Module 14 - The birth of the neuropharmacology of emotions • The discovery of neurotransmitters • The neurotransmitters of the emotional brain • Neuropeptides and emotions
Module 15 - Emotions, stress, and illness. The naturalization of psychosomatics short history
Module 16 - Disturbing passions, language and self-control: The case of addictions
(reference books)
Testi da studiare per la parte istituzionale: • Riccardo Luccio, Dall'anima alla mente: Breve storia della psicologia, Editori Laterza • Luciano Mecacci: Storia della psicologia: Dal Novecento a oggi, Editori Laterza capitoli da studiare: capitolo IV: La prospettiva comportamentista capitolo V: La prospettiva cognitivista capitolo VII: La prospettiva biologica e neuroscientifica capitolo VIII: Il dibattito contemporaneo
Testo da studiare per la parte monografica sulla storia delle emozioni: • Keith Oatley, Breve storia delle emozioni, Il mulino, Bologna.
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