The course is organized into two main sections:
Section A - The digital world: A basic introduction. The concepts of information and digitization. Turing machine. Von Neumann machine. Computer. Networks: history, topology, protocols. Introduction to the world wide web and to mark-up languages; Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Strong and weak AI, Turing test, connectionism, neural networks. Internet as global medium and features of online communication.
Section B - Introduction to digital humanities: the definition of DH; forms of digital textuality; Introduction to textual encoding; Basic notions of Digital publishing; Digital tools for school and learning.
Section A is propedeutic to section B.
(reference books)
Section A: - Fabio Ciotti e Gino Roncaglia, Il mondo digitale, cap. I-IX, Laterza 2000 (14a edizione, 2013)
Section B: - Fabio Ciriaci, Informatica per le scienze umane, McGraw Hill Italia 2012 - Gino Roncaglia, L'età della frammentazione, Laterza 2020 (second edition)
Not-attending students are also required to read - Mirko Tavosanis, Lingue e intelligenza artificiale, Carocci 2018
It is always possible to contact the Professor in order to substitute the required Italian textbooks with English textbooks.