The course aims first of all to offer an overview of the main aesthetic categories - from beautiful to ugly, from interesting to kitsch, from sublime to horror and terror - to assess their relevance in contemporary artistic practices.
In addition to this, we will explore the conception of beauty in the West and East (with particular attention to Chinese and Japanese aesthetics) and reflect on the status of images in our hyper-connected society based on the text "The fury of images" by J. Fontcuberta.
(reference books)
F. Iannelli: Dissonanze contemporanee. Arte e vita in un tempo inconciliato. Quodlibet 2010 (fino p. 206) Fontcuberta: La furia delle immagini. Note sulla postfotografia, Einaudi, 2018.
The student will have to choose between route A (Japan) and route B (China) ROUTE A D. Richie, Sull’estetica giapponese, Lindau, Torino 2009. L. Koren: Wabi-sabi. Altri pensieri. Ponte alle grazie, 2015.
ROUTE B F. Cheng: Cinque meditazioni sulla bellezza. Bollati Boringhieri 2018. F. Jullien Quella strana idea di bello. Il Mulino 2012