Theatre and fascism. What can the theatre tell us about an extreme political situation? Theatre dramas say little in the case of a dictatorship. But the influence of history on theatre can make us understand many things. At the centre of the course is the proliferation of theatre magazines that took place around 1925, with Fascism already fully consolidated, but before the real changes decided from above on theatre began. The political situation did, however, influence the theatre, even though, throughout the 1920s, it still showed signs of vitality and a desire for change. The course includes a practical work on daily newspapers and theater magazines.
(reference books)
1) Gianfranco Pedullà, Il teatro italiano nel tempo del fascismo, Titivillus (oppure: Emanuela Scarpellini, Organizzazione teatrale e politica del teatro nell’età fascista (scaricabile gratuitamente on line http://www.studiumanistici.unimi.it/files/_ITA_/Filarete/131.pdf) 2) Dossier Teatri nel fascismo, “Teatro e Storia” n. 38 (pp. 59-384) 3) Dossier L’anticipo italiano (“Teatro e storia” n. 29, pp. 27-256, può essere letto gratuitamente on-line dal sito di “Teatro e Storia”, http://www.teatroestoria.it/volumi.php)