Course Program
Marketing as a social process: from the orientation to production to digital marketing Disruptive innovation and its marketing implications Marketing 4.0 and 5.0according to Philip Kotler and Hermawan Kartajaya The (social) media system and its impact on the marketing changes The evolution of devices and its impact on marketing Web usability definition and user centered design User experience design and interaction design Planning in digital marketing Evaluation of results Customisation, personalisation and user profiling Promotion and communication: SEO, SEM and digital PR Word of mouth and social media within the framework of the network theory Evaluation of marketing initiatives: classical and advanced tools New forms of content: infographics On- and offline integration: QR and geolocation Microdata and Big data: opportunities and threats Co-creation collaborative platforms: hitRECord and Wattpad Book between marketplace and marketspace: two case histories A new definition of content: The Content Challenge Content marketing: content strategy and content management.
(reference books)
Materiale didattico
Paola Peretti, Marketing digitale, Apogeo 2011 Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan, Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale, Hoepli 2017 (ed. or.: Marketing 4.0. Moving from Traditional to Digital, Wiley 2017) Dispense didattiche predisposte dalla docente (per frequentanti e non frequentanti) Materiali illustrati in aula (per i soli frequentanti), che verranno distribuiti a fine corso Testo di riferimento per il seminario: AA.VV., Manuale del content marketing, scaricabile da http://www.contenthub.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/CMH_v.2_IT.pdf Studenti non frequentanti: lettura integrativa che verrà scelta di concerto con la docente.
Avvertenza - Gli studenti non frequentanti debbono contattare la docente all'indirizzo mail sabina.addamiano@gmail.com almeno tre mesi prima dell’inizio della sessione in cui intendono sostenere l’esame, al fine di rendere nota alla docente la loro condizione e di concordare un programma specifico.