Derived from
21201524 TAXATION LAW in Economics and business administration L-18 N0 MARINI GIUSEPPE
The notion of tax and the classification of taxes The tax law The sources of tax law The integrity of the norm in time and space The interpretation of the tax law The constitutional principles Abuse of tax law and tax avoidance The tax report and its subjects Instrumental obligations The investigation The assessment Collection The refund Sanctions Jurisdictional protection
The star system in Italy The income tax The IRES The IRAP The registration tax Inheritance and gift tax The IMU
(reference books)
AA.VV., Fondamenti di diritto tributario, Wolters Kluwer, 2020 studiare da pag 3 a pag. 192; da pag. 217 a 230; da pag. 243 a 249; da pag. 265 a 336 (in particolare capitoli 1, 2, 3, 4 sezione I, capitolo 4 sezione II da Sintesi introduttiva fino al paragrafo 4 incluso, paragrafo 7, paragrafo 10, capitolo 5).