The course is structured in a single educational module having as its subject the following themes: the concepts and their definitions (cultural property, culture, cultural rights, cultural heritage, landscape and landscape heritage, cultural activities, intangible cultural heritage and immateriality of cultural heritage); the national, European and international regulatory framework and its historical evolution; cultural heritage and normative models (cens of comparative law); constitutional principles 9 Cost.: protection and promotion); types of cultural property, proprietary regime and legal treatment (public, private cultural goods, of religious interest); the legislative and administrative powers of the State, regions and local authorities; administrative organization (the MiBACT); cultural heritage, cultural activities and tourism; public-private relations (mecenatry, sponsorships, tax facilities); functions and institutions (protection,
(reference books)
Barbati, Cammelli, Casini, Piperata, Sciullo, Diritto del patrimonio culturale, il Mulino, Bologna, 2017.
Consultation of the updated text of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape is recommended (d. lgs. 42/2004).