The course will focus on the different philosophical models of criminal law. The didactic objectives are: a) to provide students with the theoretical tools necessary for the analysis of the legal system, with a main focus on criminal law; b) to allow them to orient themselves in the world of philosophical and theoretical reflection on criminal law, through a look at the different conceptions of the State and the different paradigms of law. In particular, a look at the different concept of security, freedom, human dignity in the contemporary doctrines of law and the State. Finally, attention will be devoted to the penal sanctions, also through the analysis of the use of the death penalty and the prison instrument over time (up to the present day).
(reference books)
1) Luigi Ferrajoli, Il paradigma garantista, Editoriale Scientifica, 2016 2) (a cura di P. Gonnella, M. Ruotolo), Giustizia e carceri secondo papa Francesco, Jacabook, 2016 3) Cesare Beccaria, Dei delitti e delle pene (a cura di A. Burgio), Feltrinelli oppure in alternativa Cesare Beccaria, Dei Delitti e delle pene (a cura di F. Venturi), Einaudi