I. GENERAL PART: 1. Being, purpose and structure of judicial power. Straight substantial right and “Due Process of Law”. Different jurisdictions and different forms of rights’ protection. 2. Procedural rule. 3. Pleadings, costs and rewards. Terms. Formal and substantial res iudicata. 4. Service of notice and communications. Auxiliaries of the judge. 5. General overview on civil procedure principles. 6. Kinds of proofs. 7. Judges. Jurisdiction. Choosing the Forum. Connection among claims and its potential consequences on jurisdiction, venue and forms. Suspension of the proceedings. 8. Parties. Notion. Capacity. Standing to sue. Necessary and facultative joinders. Intervention. The Public Prosecutor. Collective redresses. II. ORDINARY PROCEEDINGS: 1. Ordinary proceedings before the lower Courts; special proceedings for labour suits; «summary proceedings»; proceedings before honorary judges (giudice di pace). 2. Commencement of the proceedings. 3. Presentation of the pleadings. 4. Evidence gathering. 5. Anticipatory orders. 6. The adjudication. 7. Abandonment and dismissal of action. III. APPEALS: 1. General overview. 2. Classification. 2.1. Appeal from the lower Courts judgements. 2.2. Appeal before the Supreme Court of Cassazione. 2.3. Revision. 2.4. Third party opposition.
(reference books)
- PUNZI C., Il processo civile. Sistema e problematiche, 2nd Edition, Torino, 2010, volumes I and II, chapter V of the volume II excepted (pp. 303 – 350); volumes III, paragraphs - PUNZI C., Il processo civile. Sistema e problematiche. Le riforme del quinquennio 2010-2014, GIAPPICHELLI, TORINO, 2015, limited to the following parts and chapters: introduzione; part I, entirely; part II, chapters II, III, IV, V, VI and VII; part III, chapter VI; part IV, chapter I;
G. BALENA, Istituzioni di diritto processuale civile, 5th ed., Cacucci, Bari, 2019, volume I; volume II; volume III , chapters I - IV;
- F.P. LUISO, Diritto processuale civile, 10th ed., Giuffrè, Milano, 2019, volume I; volume II; volume IV, chapters 1 – 8, 10 , 13 and 26 ; volume V, chapters 1 – 7 .
Additionally, for the students who wish to analyze the questions related to «Telematic Civil Process» (processo civile telematico - PCT), I suggest to study the following reading, which will be a part of the exams only if the students wishes so:
- G. RUFFINI, Il processo telematico nel sistema del diritto processuale civile, Giuffré, Milano, 2019, chapters 4 -7.
The consultation of an updated edition of civil procedure code and complementary rules is essential.