Some problems posed by the editing of Golden Age theatrical texts will be addressed (different versions, discrepancies between autograph manuscript and printed edition), and in-depth analysis of the three texts (see Syllabus) will be carried out, with the aim of editing some limited passages of the same. The program will focus on two fundamental moments: 1) The textual transmission of the golden age plays: characteristics and problems. Front classes. 2) Fundamental notions for the edition of a golden age theatrical text: versification, orthographic modernization, punctuation, annotation, establishment of the critical text (collation of testimonies, filiation of testimonies, apparatus of variants). Workshops. The course will be taught entirely in Spanish.
(reference books)
TEXTS Pedro Calderón de la Barca, A secreto agravio secreta venganza, ed. E. Coenen, Madrid, Cátedra (ed. digital de S. Fernández Mosquera https://tc12.uv.es/canon60/C6013_ASecretoAgravioSecretaVenganza.php) ; Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Casa con dos puertas mala es de guardar (ed. digital de L. Iglesias Feijoo https://tc12.uv.es/canon60/C6012_CasaConDosPuertasMalaEsDeGuardar.php); Pedro Calderón de la Barca, El mágico prodigioso, ed. B. Wardropper, Madrid, Cátedra (ed. digital de J. M. Viña Liste https://tc12.uv.es/canon60/C6007_ElMagicoProdigioso.php). Sarebbe preferibile che gli studenti si procurassero l'edizione cartacea, qualora indicata. CRITICISM AND METHODOLOGY Fausta Antonucci, Calderón, Roma, Salerno editrice, 2020. Ignacio Arellano, Historia del teatro español del siglo XVII, Madrid, Cátedra, 1995, pp. 61-113. Ignacio Arellano, “Edición crítica y anotación filológica en textos del Siglo de Oro. Notas muy sueltas”, en: Crítica textual y anotación filológica en obras del Siglo de Oro, eds. I. Arellano y J. Cañedo, Madrid, Castalia, pp. 563-586. Ignacio Arellano, Editar a Calderón, Madrid-Frankfurt-Pamplona, Iberoamericana-Vervuert-Universidad de Navarra, 2007.