The course aims to provide the student with the tools and methodologies for the analysis of Spanish theatrical texts of the Siglo de Oro (Calderón de la Barca) and of the contemporary (García Lorca) and current (Mayorga) era, with special attention to study the relationship between the dramatic text and its realization in the staging, also through the use and analysis of video materials. In addition, the course aims to deepen the practical and theoretical reflections on the teaching of literature, with special regard to the use of theater in a didactic perspective. In particular as regards the texts of Calderón de la Barca, the course provides a first analytical and methodological approach to the golden theatrical text, which will be studied in depth from the perspective of textual criticism in the course "En el taller del editor de textos", which will take place in the second semester.
Expected learning outcomes "Knowledge" Consolidation of knowledge relating to the Siglo de Oro theater and the contemporary era. Consolidation of knowledge related to the Spanish culture of the Siglo de Oro and of the XX and XXI centuries.
"Methodological skills" Knowing how to analyze and interpret theatrical texts of the Siglo de Oro independently Knowing how to analyze and interpret contemporary theater texts independently Knowing how to recognize, analyze and interpret experimental aspects of contemporary and current theatrical writing Knowing how to analyze and interpret scenic representations of classical theater works Knowing how to analyze and interpret scenic representations of contemporary and current theater works Knowing how to identify strategies and methods for teaching theater for the purpose of teaching Spanish literature in school contexts
(reference books)
Pedro Calderón de la Barca, A secreto agravio secreta venganza, ed. E. Coenen, Madrid, Cátedra (ed. digital de S. Fernández Mosquera https://tc12.uv.es/canon60/C6013_ASecretoAgravioSecretaVenganza.php); Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Casa con dos puertas mala es de guardar (ed. digital de L. Iglesias Feijoo https://tc12.uv.es/canon60/C6012_CasaConDosPuertasMalaEsDeGuardar.php); Federico García Lorca, La casa de Bernarda Alba, ed. Ma. F.ca Vilches de Frutos, Madrid, Cátedra Juan Mayorga, El chico de la última fila, Segovia, La Uña Rota