The course, divided into 2 volets of 6 CFU each, will focus on specialist translation from a semiotic-linguistic perspective, with particular attention to terminology and argumentative strategies, including iconic ones. The first volet (1 semester) will focus, in particular, on the argumentative-rhetorical strategies of the tourist and advertising text, with a focus on terminological choices, the specificity of the language defined as "sectorial" and the related translation problems. The second volet (2 semester) will be held by Visiting Professor Marion Bendinelli, who will propose a series of lessons aimed at investigating the contribution of automatic text processing - textométrie - to the practice of translation and the analysis of sectoral terminology through the retrieval of semantic-thematic réseaux and terminological fields of a corpus of texts that will be provided by the teacher.
(reference books)
For the first part of the course: - J.M. Adam & M. Bonhomme, L'argumetation publicitaire. Rhétorique de l'éloge et de la persuasion, Armand Colin 2005 (pp. 3-67; pp. 89-107) - R. Barthes, Rhétorique de l'image, "Communications", 4, 1964, pp. 40-51 URL: https://www.persee.fr/doc/comm_0588-8018_1964_num_4_1_1027 - C. Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Suivez le guide! Les modalités de l'invitation au voyage dans les guides touristiques, in F. Baider, M. Burger & D. Goutsos (éds), La communication touristiques. Approches discursives de l'identité et de l'altérité, L'Harmattam 2004, pp. 133-150 - S. Moirand, Le meme et l'autre dans les guides de voyage au XXIè siècle, in F. Baider, M. Burger & D. Goutsos (éds), La communication touristiques. Approches discursives de l'identité et de l'altérité, L'Harmattam 2004, pp. 151-172. For the second part of the course: Salem André, 2004, « Introduction à la résonance textuelle », Actes du colloque JADT 2004, 986-992. URL :http://lexicometrica.univ-paris3.fr/jadt/jadt2004/pdf/JADT_096.pdf. Zimina Maria, 2004, « Exploration textométrique de corpus de traduction », Meta – Journal des traducteurs, 50/4. URL :https://www.erudit.org/fr/revues/meta/2005-v50-n4-meta1024/019925ar/
Further bibliographic material for the second part will be indicated by the Visiting Professor at the beginning of his lessons.