Contents and problems of the main gender situations and cultural models connected to them (public policies; gender organizations; family relationships; power relations; symbolism and culture; gender production and consumption; etc ...). Sociological theories on gender studies will be presented with references both to classics and to contemporary scholars (P. Bourdieu, G. Vaughan, De Beauvoir, G. Priulla, S. Piccone Stella, C. Saraceno, etc).
Two modules will follow: the first will focus on issues relating to gender "relationships" in the workplace. The second module will explore the issue of women's empowerment and the effects on children. These issues will be addressed through the analysis of two empirical research.
(reference books)
1. Connell R., Questioni di Genere, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2011. A book of your choise:
2. Volpi F., Non adesso, non ancora. La difficile (e incompiuta) parità di genere tra vita e lavoro, Aracne Roma 2021.
2. A. F. Canta, Empowering Women and Children. Generi e generazioni in un’analisi empirica di sviluppo umano, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2020.
2. IREF (a cura), Valore lavoro. Strategie e vissuti di donne nel mercato del lavoro, Rubbettino, Soveria M. (CZ) 2018.