The course will deal with the following topics: theories and concepts of culture; culture and nature; relationship between culture and society; sub-culture, counterculture; the "cultural diamond" theory, communication; culture in a connected world, cultural pluralism; multiculturalism in global society, the theory of social change in Karl Mannheim. Furthermore, different research methods to face the world of culture and religion will be presented The issue of religious pluralism and secularism in their different forms will be addressed: religious pluralism and the role of women and gender relations in religions, in particular in the Mediterranean area, particular attention will be paid to intercultural and interreligious dialogue.
(reference books)
1. Mangone E., Ieracitano F., Russo G. (2020), Processi culturali e mutamento sociale. Prospettive sociologiche, Carocci editore, Roma (dal capitolo 1 al capitolo 7 - pp. 23-149 - e il capitolo 15 - pp. 269-284). 2. Canta C.C., Casavecchia A., M.S. Loperfido, M. Pepe (2011), Laicità in dialogo. I volti della laicità nell'Italia plurale, Sciascia, Caltanissetta. 3. Canta C.C. (2006), Ricostruire la Società. Teoria del cambiamento sociale in Karl Mannheim, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
4. A book to choose: a) C.C. Canta (a cura di), Il 'Femminino mediterraneo, Aracne, 2018. b) C.C. Canta (a cura di), Voci di donne dal Mediterraneo, Aracne, Roma 2017.