Images of the Self and the making of the Modern Identity
The course aims to focus on the elaboration of the modern idea of the Self. In fact, our society is undoubtedly based on the individual, conceived as an "I" that emerges from a complex path, which implies several features: a certain way of living interiority, of conceiving one's own subjectivity, of putting the sense of the Self in a new relation with others. The program will be divided into two moments: 1) analysis of the elaboration of Modern Identity according to Charles Taylor's interpretation; 2) guided reading of a part of John Locke's essay on human intelligence, in particular the one where the issue of personal identity is addressed
(reference books)
J. Locke, Saggio sull'intelligenza umana, tr. it. C. Pellizzi, G. Farina, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2011 (extracts) C. Taylor, Radici dell'Io. La costruzione dell'identità moderna, tr. ir. R. Rini, Feltrinelli, Milano 1993, pp. 147-262. C. Taylor, Il disagio della modernità, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006.