The course presents in detail the contents and basic skills of docimology. To this end, the main students performance assessment models and procedures will be illustrated, with in-depth analysis of the current prospects of docimological research at national and international level. The course's specific objectives that will be tackled during through the lectures are: consider the characteristics of the educational language; consider the changes that influence the evaluation; classify the evaluation instruments; define the relation between didactics and evaluation; identify the evaluation elements and functions; build knowledge related structured tests; analyze the test data and adequate manner of correction of various test types. Moreover, these topics will be presented: in-depth knowledge of theoretical and methodological foundations of experimental research in adult education, with particular reference to evaluative research; the drawbacks of mainstream assessment tests; the main national and international surveys on adult competences. Furthermore, part of the course programme is dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational contexts for children.
(reference books)
Mandatory readings: B. Vertecchi, Manuale della valutazione. Analisi degli apprendimenti e dei contesti, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2003. Isfol, Bastianelli M., Mineo S., (2016). Il Secondo Round dell’indagine OCSE-PIAAC: le competenze per vivere e lavorare oggi, Roma, Isfol Research Paper, 34.
Please note that the mandatory readings must be studied entirely unless otherwise indicated. The slides discussed in class and related to the main topics of the course will be available on the e-learning platform.
Further readings: OECD (2016), The Survey of Adult Skills: Reader’s Companion, Second Edition, OECD Skills Studies,OECD Publishing, Paris. Di Francesco G., Amendola M., Mineo S., I low skilled in Italia. Evidenze dall’indagine PIAAC sulle competenze degli adulti, in “Osservatorio Isfol”, VI (2016), n. 1-2, pp. 53-67.
Please note that the further readings are not mandatory. However, it is advisable for both attending students and non-attending students to undertake the study of these didactic materials.
Considering the different topics covered in the lessons, the lecturer will provide, as a stimulus and aid to study, handouts, articles, essays and research reports on the course website.