Alessandra Roberta
Course objectives The stage aims to make students acquire skills and abilities of field research, which are likely to promote in future graduates the opportunity to understand the complexity of needs and social services from a broader point of view. Students will have the opportunity to interact with professionals coordinating roles in order to learn and have experience of the importance of planning and social service design, managerial level, in various organizations.
Course description The research activities in the field of the stage takes place within agencies, organizations and social and health services; in this path, each student should be guided and accompanied, both from a methodological point of view and, more generally, to encourage reworking than experienced, to make the practice becomes genuine experience. To do this will be finalized the specific activities, trying as much as possible to adapt them to the individual student. You will use the Internet platform “Gestione di Tirocini Professionali”, already preset for the Stage, in order to create a more streamlined and functional opportunities of communication between student-tutor inner-outer-teacher tutor.
(reference books)
Testi di consultazione Si consiglia agli studenti di consultare, nello svolgimento del lavoro di ricerca, un buon manuale di metodologia della ricerca sociale; qualora non ne abbiano già uno in possesso, si consiglia:
CORBETTA P., Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna