The course aims to provide useful tools to understand the phenomenon of deviance, crime and punishment in Western societies through the most important theories of international and Italian legal-criminal sociology, as well as the relationship between law and Gender studies. In the first module, we will work on the Liberal School of Criminal law, on the ideology of social defence, on psychoanalytic theories of crime, on deviance and regulatory voids, on the "labelling approach", on the sociology of conflicts in reference to the criminal phenomena, the political corruption and the crime of the "white collars", on the prison and the social marginality, on the prospect of the school of Critical criminology. The second module will offer more specific tools, i.e. the analysis of the symbolic, cultural and legal function of the contribution of feminist studies in relation to law, deviance and power. In particular, the relationship between the Thought of Sexual Difference and the doctrine of Juridical Experience will be investigated, both at a theoretical level and in the practices carried out in trials, as well as the concept of “Juridical Feminism” applied to the main themes of the present time: equality/difference; citizenship/borders; criminology/delinquency/security; justice/law/rights; gender/sexuality/reproduction; victim/victimology/vulnerability.
Testi di riferimento obbligatori ● A. Baratta, (a cura di Anna Simone), Criminologia critica e critica del diritto penale. Introduzione alla Sociologia giuridico-penale, Mimesis, 2019. ● A. Simone, La devianza femminile nell’ordine discorsivo criminologico e nella sociologia giuridico-penale. Un approccio critico, in C. Rinaldi, P. Saitta (a cura di), Criminologie critiche contemporanee, Giuffrè, Milano 2018. ● A. Simone, I. Boiano, A. Condello, Femminismo Giuridico. Teorie e problemi, Mondadori Università, Milano 2019. Special Lecture Covid-19: ● M. Bracconi, La Mutazione, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2020.
(reference books)
Testi di riferimento obbligatori ● A. Baratta, (a cura di Anna Simone), Criminologia critica e critica del diritto penale. Introduzione alla Sociologia giuridico-penale, Mimesis, 2019. ● A. Simone, La devianza femminile nell’ordine discorsivo criminologico e nella sociologia giuridico-penale. Un approccio critico, in C. Rinaldi, P. Saitta (a cura di), Criminologie critiche contemporanee, Giuffrè, Milano 2018. ● A. Simone, I. Boiano, A. Condello, Femminismo Giuridico. Teorie e problemi, Mondadori Università, Milano 2019. Special Lecture Covid-19: ● M. Bracconi, La Mutazione, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2020