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21801906 LOCAL PUBLIC SERVICES MANAGEMENT in Public Administrations Sciences LM-63 N0 PIERI VALERIO
Concepts, methods and fundamental tools for the study of management of public services: the company, corporate behavior, the systemic approach, hierarchy of human needs, corporate subjects, conflict and balance of interests, economy, efficiency and effectiveness. Public services: possible definitions, classification profiles, alternative delivery models. Focus: 1) regulation of sectors characterized by competitive and non-competitive components 2) local public services. Size and depth of public administration performance: from theory to the choices of the Italian legislator. Planning, execution and control processes in public bodies: the case of Italian municipalities.
(reference books)
The bibliographic references are provided during the lessons and, together with the supporting educational materials, are made available on the page: The program for non-attending students is communicated at the end of the course, before the start of the exam session.