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20810078 Algorithms and Data Structures
in Computer science and engineering L-8 A - Z PATRIGNANI MAURIZIO
PART 1: Generalities and tools. Definitions of computational problem, algorithm, data structure. Random Access Machine and pseudocode. Asympthotic study of functions (big-O, Omega, and Theta notations). Asympthotic complexity of algorithms and problems. Ammortized complexity. Worst/average/best case analysis. Recursion and recursion equalities. Theorems for the analysis of recursion equalities.
PART 2: Abstract data types. Abstract data types and their representations. Already known examples: sets, stacks, queues, lists, etc. Management of dynamic data structures. Trees: binary trees; arbitrary degree trees; traversals of trees; binary search trees; red-black trees. Hash tables. Graphs: representations with adjacency matrix and adjacency lists. DFS and BFS. Graphs and connectivity. Connected components. Minimum-lengths paths.
PART 3: Algorithmic paradigms. Greedy algorithms (example: selection sort). Iterative algorithms (example: insertion sort). Divide et impera algorithms (examples: merge-sort and quick-sort).
PART 4: The course requires (and sometimes recalls) the following notions of C Language. Imperative programming. Elementary data types. Functions. Arrays and pointers. Strings. Memory management: Heap and Stack. Management of C projects: prototypes and implementations. Recursion and memory. Records and pointes. Dynamic memory management.
(reference books)
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