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20402390 GIS APPLIED TO GEOLOGY in Field and Natural Resources Geology LM-74 Lentini Azzurra
Environmental data computerization and storage management. Geospatial analysis and elaboration with the open source “QGIS” and the libraries: GDAL/OGR, SAGA, GRASS. GIS data download from Web (e.g. Italian and American geological survey, aerospace agencies – NASA, ESA, JAXA- JRC-European Union), WMS and Webgis (international, national and regional). Base data processing in raster, vector and tabular format, join attribute tables and geoprocessing. Geoferencing and cartography. Elaboration of digital model of terrain (contours, slope, shade etc). Gis & remote sensing. Geomorphological analysis and drawing of geological map (basic, advanced instruments and cad in Qgis). Use of relational DBMS (Postgis, spatialLite) for the processing of lithological and hydrogeological data in depth. Geologic profile elaboration (midvatten & inkscape).Data distribution and sharing on the Web (e.g. Geoserver, Geonode, OSM). Qgis and Python (PyQgis) to formulate scripts in geology. Qgis and R for geostatistical analysis. Interpolation. Exercises (using existing actual data) and theory regarding the spatial susceptibility of landslides activation, GIS applied to seismic microzonation, hydrogeology, vulcanology, real-time environmental disaster data mining (e.g. JRC-EU), Risk management and GIS-based decision support. Printed and digital layout of results (2D map and 3D geological models with video of 3D model).
(reference books)
Course material (ppt) and scientific articles provided by the professor, web learning Books for further detailed studies (optional) 1. Mario A. Gomarasca – Basics of geomatics – Springer 2009 2. Noti V. “GIS Open Source per Geologia e Ambiente”, Ed. Flaccovio (2014)