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20710616 MODERN LANGUAGES TEACHING LM (B) - ITALIAN L2 in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation LM-37 BONVINO ELISABETTA
The course aims at deepening the knowledge related to the teaching of L2 Italian, as well as the current trends in educational linguistics, with special focus on language education from a plurilingual and intercomprehension perspective. It will also focus on the study of the ability of written comprehension (reading) in a second language and will promote the skills of designing instructional activities and the analysis of teaching tools to be used both in in-person and in digital environments.
(reference books)
Book: FIORENZA E. (2020). Strategie di lettura nella didattica plurilingue. Caissa Italia. Some chapters from: CORTÉS VELÁSQUEZ, D., FAONE, S., NUZZO, E. (2017). Analizzare i manuali per l’insegnamento delle lingue: strumenti per una glottodidattica applicata. Italiano LinguaDue, 2, 1-73. Course packets provided by the professor.