The course will introduce the concept of quality as compliance to previously defined intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics. Quality can therefore be considered under different angles (technological, organoleptic, hygienic, nutritional, functional, ethic, commercial) according to product final destination and market requirements. It consequently must be planned at the beginning of production cycles. The concept of sustainable diets, also in relationship with sustainable food and agriculture systems and biodiversity, will be presented. The factors that shape product quality during the production process will be subsequently discussed, including plant variety, soil, light, climate, land characteristics, distance from market, agricultural practices, storing, processing, linkage to the territory and its cultural heritage, as well as the possible interventions to obtain the desired product quality and the methods to recognize it. The course will then illustrate the control and certification systems of quality (ISO 9000 e 14000, SA, Fair Trade, IFOAM, etc.); geographical indications (PDO, DOC, PGI, TSG, GI); and biochemical and organoleptic characteristics (sensorial tests). The curriculum will be completed by case studies on quality of field crops (bread and durum wheat, other cereals, potatoes, pulses, tomatoes, leaf and fruit vegetables) and horticultural crops (table and wine grapes, olive, hazelnuts and other nuts, stone and pome fruits, coffee, cocoa, berries).
(reference books)
Since no reference texts are available to be recommended to the students, the teaching will be based on lectures that involve the active participation of the students. The teaching materials produced (series of slides, notes, etc.) will be made available to the students.