The course consists of two modules of 30 hours each, the first of which is taught in English Module I - alternative theories of primary income distribution and employment - Harrod and Solow's growth models and demand-led growth - Technical change. employment and growth Module II - the impact of labour market reforms and macroeconomic policies: theory and empirical evidence - the interpretation of the changes in income distribution and their impact on employment and growth - Employment and wages in Italy During the course, data and results of empirical literature will be presented along with theoretical approaches.
(reference books)
Various papers and essays collected around four main subjects areas and available at the library as course hand-out. English alternatives to the Italian readings are suggested to foreign students. Below the detail:
INTRODUCTORY - FOUNDATIONS: hand-outs with copy of: Fabio Petri, "What capital theory can teach us" Pierangelo Garegnani "Two routes to effective demand" Antonella Stirati “Unemployment, institutions and the living standard in the classical theory of wages” Antonella Stirati “Employment theories from Adam Smith to the present: an overview” PART I PRODUCTIVITY EMPLOYMENT AND GROWTH: R. Harrod, "An essay on dynamic theory R. Solow, "A contribution to the theory of Economic growth Cesaratto, Serrano e Stirati “Technical change, effective demand and employment” N. Kaldor, On the causes of slow growth in UK A. Okun “Potential GNP: its measurement and significance” “Puzzles, paradoxes, and regularities: cyclical and structural productivity in the United States (1950-2005)” di Jeon e Vernengo, da pag. 237 a 243