The course will explore the evolution of Spanish fiction in a diachronic perspective through the analysis of some representative texts included in a time horizon ranging from the XVI century to the early XX century. The course will be organized around the following points:
- theory of analysis of the narrative text;
- reading and analysis of the texts also in relation to their connection with the literary context they belong to.
(reference books)
LITERARY WORKS (follow the specific edition indicated to prepare the exam): • Anónimo, Lazarillo de Tormes, a cura di A. Gargano, Venezia, Marsilio. • Mariano José de Larra, Artículos de costumbres: Un reo de muerte; El castellano viejo (on cervantesvirtual.com); • Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, El monte de las ánimas (on cervantesvirtual.com); • Leopoldo Alas “Clarín”, La Regenta, (voll. I e II), ed. J. Oleza, Madrid, Cátedra; • Miguel de Unamuno, Niebla, ed. M. J. Valdés, Madrid, Cátedra.