Code 21201494
Language ITA
Type of certificate Profit certificate 
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code SECS-S/06 
Contact Hours 60 
Type of Activity Core compulsory activities 
Group: A - L
Derived from 21201494 FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS in Economics and business administration L-18 AL MOTTURA CARLO DOMENICO
(syllabus)   (reference books)
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities From  to 
Delivery mode Traditional
Attendance not mandatory
Evaluation methods Written test
Oral exam
Group: M - Z
Derived from 21201494 FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS in Economics and business administration L-18 MZ CARLEO ALESSANDRA
(syllabus)   (reference books)
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities From  to 
Delivery mode Traditional
Attendance not mandatory
Evaluation methods Written test
Oral exam