The Course aims to provide students theoretical knowledge and skills related to the knowledge of diseases that can occur in childhood. It aims to provide students knowledge related to the care, education and socialization of children from 0 to 6 years, with attention to gender, to individual and intercultural differences. It aims to provide students knowledge related the use of adequate educational and didactic strategies with the aim to promote the well-being, identity, the autonomy, the curiosity, the creativity and the play.
By the study of the Psychopathology in Infancy and Early Childhood the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of models, tools and techniques for the observation of the child in the socio-cultural and educational contexts; - - the ability to recognize the educational needs of children in an inclusive logic and to adapt educational strategies, also in relation to age and context; - Applying knowledge and understanding: - the ability to use in an informed and flexible way what was learned, applying it to resolve specific problems in several socio-educational services and with several subjects; - -the ability to use tools and instruments for the observation and relationship strategies with children and their families; - observe the different situations and contexts, understanding the care, educational and socialization needs - Making judgements: the ability to critically analyze and elaborate educational choices in a reflexive way; - -ability to evaluate alternative solutions to problems and to take decisions that meet the educational needs of children and their families; - - the aptitude to reformulate educational practices, based on research, experimentation and innovation. - Communication skills: the ability to listen and understand the needs expressed by children through the care, education and socialization activities and the ability to recognize their eventual manifestation; - - ability to recognize and promote relational and communicative skills (storytelling, verbal and non-verbal communication) of children through the care, education, socialization and play activities; - Learning skills: The student is able to access and to consult the scientific literature on the argument, identifying reliable sources. He/She is aware of the importance of the relationship and cooperation with operators and experts with the same professional profile and with other figures operating in this sector. He/She is able to observe the contexts in which he/she operates and to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them.
Course Program a) Reference theoretical framework and main theoretical sources on child development (Piaget, Winnicott, Bowlby, etc…) b) Diagnostic and evaluation framework: Classification and diagnosis systems; Evaluation of child development, risk and protection factors. c) Pathological Conditions: Anxiety disorders - Attachment disorders - Attention and hyperactivity disorder- Autism spectrum disorder - Psychosomatic disorders - Intellectual disability - Obsessive Compulsive disorder - Depressive Disorder- Elimination disorders Aim Knowledge and classification of cognitive and emotional-behavioral disorders in the developmental age, evaluating the risk and protection factors. Contents Main theoretical approaches, classification and diagnosis systems and psychoeducational and psychological aspects in developmental disorders.
(reference books)
Costituiscono programma d’esame: 1) Guidetti V. Fondamenti di neuropsichiatria dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza, 2016, Il Mulino, Bologna di cui è richiesto lo studio dei seguenti capitoli: Parte prima: Valutazione diagnostica: II. Il processo diagnostico. - III. Disegno e processo diagnostico. - Parte seconda: Manifestazioni patologiche - VI. Disabilità intellettiva. - VII. Disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento. - VIII. Disturbi della comunicazione. - IX. Disturbi dello spettro autistico. - X. Disturbi della condotta. - XI. Disturbi del comportamento alimentare. - XII. Disturbi dell’evacuazione. - XIII. Disturbi dell’attaccamento. - XIV. Disturbi d’ansia. - XV. Disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo - XVI. Disturbi depressivi. - XVII. Somatizzazioni. - Parte terza: Situazioni di rischio. - XVIII. Abusi e maltrattamenti. - XIX. Adozione. - XX. Separazione e divorzio. - 2) Guidetti V. Neuropsichiatria dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza, 2016, Il Mulino, Bologna di cui è richiesto lo studio dei seguenti capitoli: - Parte terza: La patologia psichiatrica. - X. Mutismo selettivo. - Parte quarta: Le patologie emergenti. - XII. Deficit di attenzione e iperattività. - XIV. Disturbi del sonno. - XV. Sindrome di Münchausen «by proxy». - XVIII. Disturbo postraumatico da stress. - XX. Disadattamento scolastico. - Parte quinta: Strategie per la presa in carico. - XXI. Psicoterapie dell’età evolutiva a confronto. 3) Slides presentate a lezione
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Written test
Oral exam