1. Introduction 2. Debates 3. Realism 4. Liberalism 5. Marxism 6. Constructivism 7. English School 8. Femminism, Post-colonialism 9. Foreign Policy 10. Diplomacy 11. IPE 12. Security 13. Regionalism 14. Global Politics 15. Research and Methodology 16. Non-Western IR
(reference books)
1) F. Petito, F.Mazzei, R. Marchetti. Manuale di Politica Internazionale. Egea (2010); 2) F. Andreatta (a cura di). Le Grandi Opere delle Relazioni Internazionali. Il Mulino (2011) 3) articoli indicati durante le lezioni online dalla docente:
1. Daniele Archibugi, Marco Cellini, (2017), ‘The Internal and External Levers to Achieve Global Democacy’, Global Policy, Vol.8, pp. 65-77 2. Stephen Gill, (2000), ‘Toward a Postmodern Prince? The Battle in Seattle as a Moment in the New Politics of Globalization’, Journal of International Studies, Vol. 29, No.1, pp. 131-140 3. Tarek Magerisi, (2019), ‘Libya’s Global Civil War’, European Council on Foreign Relations, Policy Brief, pp. 1-24 4. P.W. Singer, (2001/02), ‘Corporate Warriors. The Rise of Private Militarized Industry and its Ramifications for International Security’, International Security, Vol. 26, No.3, pp. 186-220 5. Joseph S. Nye, (1990), ‘Soft Power’, Foreign Policy, No.80, pp. 153-171 6. G. John Ikenberry, (2018), The end of liberal international order?’, International Affairs, Vol.94, No.1, pp.7-23