The scientific method. Evolution, theories, and hypotheses. History of life on earth. The transition from single-celled to multi-cellular organisms. Fossils. Dating methods. Organisms. The classification of organisms. Systematics and Taxonomy. Scientific nomenclature. Characteristics of algae and fungi. Plants (Bryophyte, Pteridophyte, Spermatophyte). Invertebrate animals. Vertebrate animals. The cell. Microorganisms. The human body. Skeletal system. Muscular system. Digestive system. Circulatory system. Respiratory system. Excretory system. Nervous system. Immune system. Sensory organs. Reproduction. Mendel's laws. Proposals for teaching Biology in the field and in-class settings.
(reference books)
Fondamenti di Biologia, Hillis David M.; Sadava David; Heller Craig H.; Price Mary V.. Editore Zanichelli
Office Hours: every day of the week by appointment by email: valentina.savo@uniroma3.it