Portuguese and Brazilian Literatures III (12 CFU)
AIMS • provide students with a broad understanding of Portuguese, Brazilian and Portuguese-speaking African contemporary literatures (XIX-XXI centuries) with a specific focus on intercultural and transcultural dynamics and special attention to the theoretical and methodological debates; • develop students’ close reading skills (advanced level) applied to literary texts (in the original language) through the use of tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis to further advance their critical independence on matters of textual interpretation; • stimulate students to apply the acquired skills to translation, rewriting and adaptation into Italian also in a transmedial context (advanced level); • develop advanced communication skills for the processing and transmission of topics related to the field of study in different intercultural contexts, both academic and non-academic.
Pre-requisite: Portuguese and Brazilian Literatures II; Portuguese and Brazilian Languages and Translation II
20710245 |
Type of certificate
Profit certificate
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Type of Activity
Core compulsory activities
Introduction to the history of Angolan art. The course will be preceded by a series of lectures dealing with different aspects of Angolan literature and culture, with particular emphasis on the work of Ruy Duarte de Carvalho.
(reference books)
Materiale didattico S. Celani, L’Africa di lingua portoghese. Letteratura, storia, cultura, Viterbo, Sette Città, 2003, pp. 5-32; A. Mixinge, Made in Angola. Arte contemporânea, artistas e debates, L’Harmattan, 2009; V. Russo, La resistenza continua. Il colonialismo portoghese, le lotte di liberazione e gli intellettuali italiani, Milano, Meltemi, 2020; D. Tramontano, La decolonizzazione angolana: lotta per l’indipendenza e guerra civile, in Il colore rosso dei jacaranda. A 30 anni dalle indipendenze delle ex colonie portoghesi, a cura di L. Apa e M. Zamponi, San Marino, AIEP Editore, 2005, pp. 59-73; Lettura di un’opera a scelta tra quelle presenti nel seguente elenco:
José Eduardo Agualusa, Barocco tropicale, Roma, La Nuova Frontiera, 2012; Ruy Duarte de Carvalho, Terra di Offerta, Livorno, Vittoria Iguazu Editora, 2020; Ondjaki, NonnaDiciannove e il segreto del sovietico, L’Aquila, Il Sirente, 2015; Pepetela, Generazione dell’Utopia, Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, 2009; Manuel Rui, Magari fossi un’onda, Roma, La Nuova Frontiera, 2006; Ana Paula Tavares, La testa di Salomé, Perugia, Urogallo, 2017; Luandino Vieira, Luuanda, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1990. Uanhenga Xitu, “Maestro Tamoda”, in Africana. Racconti dall’Africa che scrive in portoghese, a cura di V. Barca e R. Francavilla, Milano, Feltrinelli, pp. 149-170;
Ulteriore materiale didattico potrà essere distribuito nel corso delle lezioni.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam
The course will focus on the history of Brazilian literature during the 19th and 20th centuries with particular attention to the role of literature in the formation of Brazil's national identity. It will be also deepened the study of the works of the writers Machado de Assis and Clarice Lispector.
(reference books)
L. Stegagno Picchio, Storia della letteratura brasiliana, Torino, Einaudi, 1997, (Cap. V-VIII, XI-XII, XIII-XV);
S. Santiago, “O entre-lugar do discurso latino-americano” in Uma literatura nos trópicos, Rio de Janeiro, Rocco, 2000, pp. 9-26;
Machado de Assis, Obra completa, vol. II-III, Rio de Janeiro, Aguilar, 1959 (selected texts);
A. Candido, “Esquema de Machado de Assis”, in Vários escritos, Rio de Janeiro, Ouro sobre Azul; São Paulo, Duas Cidades, 2004, pp. 15-32;
C. Lispector, Laços de família, Rio de Janeiro, Rocco, 2009 (selected texts);
C. Lispector, A legião estrangeira, Rio de Janeiro, Rocco, 1999 (selected texts);
A. R. de Sant’Anna, “Laços de família e A legião estrangeira”, in A. R. de Sant’Anna e M. Colasanti, Com Clarice, São Paulo, Unesp, 2013, pp. 77-120.
Dates of beginning and end of teaching activities
From to |
Delivery mode
At a distance
not mandatory
Evaluation methods
Oral exam