FIRST PART Investment analysis and Project Financing - The interest - Financial equivalence - Mortgages - The bonds - Inflation - The analysis of investments in the private sector and the choice between investment alternatives - Investments in the public sector: cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis - Project Financing
SECOND PART The business system - General features - The company balance sheet, taxation and its effects - The organization and business strategy - From artificial intelligence to human intelligence
PART THREE The microeconomics - Perfect competition - The consumer theory - The theory of the firm - The oligopoly - The monopoly
(reference books)
Campisi D., Costa R. (2008), "Economia Applicata all'Ingegneria - Analisi degli investimenti e Project Financing", Carocci Editore.
Campisi D., Costa R., Mancuso P., Morea D. (2014), “Principi di Economia Applicata all’Ingegneria - Metodi, complementi ed esercizi”, Hoepli, Milano.
Morea, D., Jacobone, F. (2017), "Project Financing: elementi di base, profili professionali e modelli innovativi", Maggioli Editore.
Morea, D. (2017), "Elementi di Legislazione Tecnica", Maggioli Editore.
Bagnara, S., Cara, A., Carlucci, D., Gazziano, S., Jacobone, F., Morea, D., Pitasi, A., Pozzi, S., Ruzzeddu, M., Santarsiero, F., Schiuma, G., Tonali, G. (2018), “Dall’intelligenza artificiale all’intelligenza umana”, Maggioli Editore.
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