Topics of the lectures of the first part of the course. a) Subatomic particles and their interactions with matter: - Radioactive sources, cosmic rays and elementary particles; - Ionisation energy loss for heavy charged particles; - Ionisation energy loss for electrons and positrons; - Cherenkov radiation; - Transition radiation; - Multiple coulomb scattering; - Photons interactions; - Pair production and shower development.
b) Particle detectors: - General characteristics of particle detectors; - Ionisation detectors; - Scintillation detectors; - Photomultiplier tubes.
c) Applications: - Measurements of charged particle momenta; - Introduction to particle identification; - Trigger; - Examples of fundamental experiments in particle physics.
All the relevant topics and practical informations needed to operate the particle detectors exploited in the lab will be given during the laboratory practice.
(reference books)
Durante il corso saranno distribuite copia delle slides delle lezioni e note aggiuntive.
Testi consigliati: (Leo W.R.) Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments [Springer-Verlag]
Per una introduzione alla fisica delle particelle e per una esposizione alternativa dell’interazione delle particelle con la materia: (Braibant S., Giacomelli G., Spurio M.) Particelle e interazioni fondamentali [Springer]