The aim of the course is to provide students with the conceptual and methodological tools to read, interpret and address governance schemes within urban and territorial transformations, where decision-making is called upon to cope with manifold proposals in a context full of regulations and diverging actors and interests. Part one faces the needs stemming from local contexts, the way they are detected and acknowledged within welfare and urban regulation policies, since long term provisional models are currently denied by new environmental emergencies, immigration, stagflation, and other largely unpredictable circumstances. Part two is faced with territorial policies of the European Union and of the member countries. Such approach helps revisit the wide range of Italian urban and territorial policies with particular regard to supra-local governance and urban regeneration issues. Part three deals with the transformation scenarios that await Rome's metropolitan city and their effects on territorial governance, taking the case study of the “Città Tiburtina” between Rome and Tivoli along the course of the Aniene river falling under the jurisdiction of different local authorities, marked by complex environmental, settlement and production problems disputed between different uses and utilities and general and sectoral tools. A strategic approach is needed to effectively intervene and couple the two concepts of resilience and sustainability. According to this logic, the Città Tiburtina requires measures of “active enhancement” within each of its transects. The whole area is featured by a great variety of historical and natural assets and displays manifold landscapes thoroughly intertwined with the Aniene River. Therefore, the river is intended as the key connection factor between landscapes, for whose resilience it takes on a different strategic role each time and can be differently managed and designed. A major focus will be paid to innovation in governance schemes and in professional skills involved.
(reference books)
U. Beck, A. Giddens, S. Lash, Modernizzazione riflessiva, Trieste, Asterios, 1999. U. Beck, La metamorfosi del Mondo, Laterza, 2017. R. Sennett, Insieme. Rituali, piaceri, politiche della collaborazione, Feltrinelli, 2012. L E X I T Y S. Body-Gendrot, M. Lussault, Th. Paquot, La ville et l'urbain. L'état des savoirs, La Découverte, 2000. M. Desmond, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, Penguin Random House, 2016.