The course aims to provide students with competence for the design and calculation of conventional structures, with particular reference to concrete buildings with framed structure and the related technical standards. This purpose will be achieved through lectures, both theoretical and applied, that will guide the student in the preparation of the project of a multi-storey building in a seismic zone. Program: - foundamentals of structural design - design of buildings in seismic area: foundamentals - code requirements (Italy and Europe) - development of a structural project: the project will involve the design of a residential building for which the structures and related structural drawings will be set. In detail, only some structural elements will be calculated and represented: a column, a beam and a slab
(reference books)
recommended books, not mandatory for the exam, but useful for studing and integrating the material distributed during the lessons AICAP - DETTAGLI COSTRUTTIVI AICAP - COMMENTARIO ALLE NTC 08 AICAP - PROGETTAZIONE DI STRUTTURE IN CEMENTO ARMATO GUIDA ALL'USO dell'EUROCODICE 2