The course aims at analysing the fundamental concepts and institutions of the private law sector, trying - as is proper for an institutional course - to give an overall image of the subject, treated as a whole as a unitary issue. The topics to which particular attention will be given are: the sources of law and interpretation; subjects of law; assets, real property law and factual situations; obligations; the general part of the contract; contractual protections; civil liability. In summary, family law and the regulation of inheritances and donations will be examined, while only some of the typical contracts regulated by the Civil Code will be considered. The commercial and labour parts are not included in the programme.
(reference books)
- IL CODICE CIVILE corredato dalle principali leggi speciali (It is recommended the updated text edited by A. di Majo published by “I BLU GIUFFRÈ’”) - S. MAZZAMUTO (a cura di), Manuale del diritto privato, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, III ediz., 2019 [The parts included in the program are: I, II (basic notions), III (basic notions), IV (basic notions), V, VI, VII, VIII (basic notions with regard to the contracts of sale, lease, procurement, loan and mandate)]
BOOKS FOR DEEPENING: - P. GROSSI, Prima lezione di diritto, Laterza Bari-Roma, 2003 - C. SALVI, Capitalismo e diritto civile. Itinerari giuridici dal Code civil ai Trattati europei, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2015 - Further texts can be recommended on request.