The course will tackle some of the experiences that changed the relationship between acting and stage (including the film) during the last century. Special atention will be dedicated to Appia, Piscator and the actors in silent movies in German and in Russian-Soviet cultures.
(reference books)
A. Appia, Attore, musica e scena, ed. italiana a c. di F. Marotti, Cue Press; B. Balasz, L'uomo visibile, Lindau; S. M. Ejzenstejn, Lezioni di regia, Einaudi. (Students coming from abroad can read these texts in English, German, French or Russian versions).
Filmography (the films are available in the Dept. Library): R. Wiene, Il gabinetto del dottor Caligari; F. Lang, Metropolis; L. Kuleshov, Secondo la legge (Dura Lex); S.M. Ejzenstejn, Que viva Mexico!