Butō and the legacy of european culture, theatrical anthropology and the identification of the actor's / dancer's art principles in different cultures, action and expression in german early-twentieth century dance. The course includes, for attending students, an exercise of bibliographical recognition and biographical writing.
(reference books)
- Eugenio Barba, Nicola Savarese, L’arte segreta dell’attore, edizioni di pagina, Bari 2011 - Eugenia Casini Ropa, La danza e l'agitprop. I teatri non-teatrali nella cultura tedesca del primo Novecento, Imola, Cue Press, 2015 - Butoh-fu. Dance and words, Dossier edited by Samantha Marenzi, in “Teatro e Storia”, 37/2016 (http://www.teatroestoria.it/indici.php?id_volume=102). If it is impossible to read in english: Matteo Casari, Elena Cervellati, (edited by), Butō. Prospettive europee e sguardi dal Giappone, Bologna, Dipartimento delle Arti e ALMADL, 2015, only chapters IV, V, VI, VII, IX, XI (http://amsacta.unibo.it/4352/)
Non-attending students will add corpi del Butō. Fotografie di danza tra Oriente e Occidente, a cura di Samantha Marenzi, Postcart, Roma 2018. (The volume will be available for online purchase starting from May 2020). In case of difficulty in finding write to the teacher from that date)