After tracing a synthetic profile of the relationships between the theatrical cultures of the East and the West, and in particular, between the theaters of figure between Asia and Europe, some specific experiences will be examined, including those of some great theater reformers of the twentieth century, some particular traditions of puppet and oriental figure theaters and those of the Sicilian puppet theater.
(reference books)
Attending students
1) Valentina Venturini, "Il teatro di Gaetano Greco", Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2018 2) Valentina Venturini, "Nato e cresciuto tra i pupi", Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2017 2) Nicola Savarese, "Il teatro eurasiano", Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2013 3) Materials edited by the teacher (download the folder "Dispense FREQUENTANTI Culture teatrali comparate 2019/2020" from the download area of the teacher’s website: http://filosofiacomunicazionespettacolo-uniroma3-it.mirror.uniroma3.it/vventurini/)
Recommended texts*: Eugenio Barba e Nicola Savarese, "I cinque continenti del teatro. Fatti e leggende della cultura materiale dell’attore", Bari, Edizioni di Pagina, 2017 (*recommended text means non-mandatory text but recommended for those who want to deepen the study of theaters between East and West)
NON attending students: 1) Valentina Venturini, "Il teatro di Gaetano Greco", Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2018 2) Valentina Venturini, "Nato e cresciuto tra i pupi", Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2017 3) Nicola Savarese, "Teatro e spettacolo tra Oriente e Occidente", Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2009 4) Materials edited by the teacher (download the folder " Dispense NON FREQUENTANTI Culture teatrali comparate2019/2020" from the download area of the teacher's website: http://filosofiacomunicazionespettacolo-uniroma3-it.mirror.uniroma3.it/vventurini/) 5) FILM: "Don Giovanni at the Opera dei pupi" by and with Mimmo Cuticchio [Warnings: this film is available to students at the Dams library, via Ostiense 139, floor -1].