The course will analyse the historical evolution and the sources of Islamic law; the structure and categories of classical Islamic law, its role in modern legal systems of Islamic countries.
Main subjects of the course: Relation between sharia and qanun Colonialism and law The process of codification of law Sharia in contemporary Islamic countries Legal reforms in Islamic countries
Legal institutions to be studied: Family law (personal status) contracts and obligations criminal law public law
(reference books)
Studenti frequentanti:
Gli studenti frequentanti concorderanno il programma con il docente sulla base delle lezioni svolte in aula
Studenti non frequentanti:
F. Castro, Il modello Islamico, Giappichelli, 2007, i primi 5 capitoli V. Donini - D. Scolart, la Sharia e il mondo contemporaneo, Carocci 2015