The communication of the sacred in the West Christianity in the early modern age
The course intends to take into consideration the historical and historiographical theme of the transmission of doctrines and religious experiences in the period of Protestant and Catholic reforms and of the confessional discipline (XVI-XVII century). We will analyse the different sources through which the diffusion of the religious message took place (biblical texts, catechisms, preaching, religious literature, iconography, music) and the different expressions of devotion and spirituality that testify to their reception, with particular attention to the historiographical debate. on the topics covered.
(reference books)
1) Dossier of documents provided from the teacher (download from personal website).
2) PIETRO STELLA, Il libro religioso, a cura di MARIA LUPI, Roma, Viella, 2008, up to p. 197.
3) A book between: - MICHELA CATTO, Un panopticon catechistico. L’arciconfraternita della dottrina cristiana a Roma in età moderna, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2003. - La musica dei semplici, L’altra Controriforma, a cura di STEFANIA NANNI, Roma, Viella, 2012. - PAOLO PRODI, Arte e pietà nella Chiesa tridentina, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014. - Gli Italiani e la Bibbia nella prima età moderna. Leggere, interpretare, riscrivere, a cura di ERMINIA ARDISSINO e ÉLISE BOILLET, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018 (collection Études renaissantes).
Attending students will be provided with other indications during the lessons.
It is recommended to those who have never supported an examination on the early modern history of Christianity to provide a manual, for example: Storia del Cristianesimo. L’età moderna, a cura di G. Filoramo e D. Menozzi, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1995 or another in different language.