150 years after the breach of Porta Pia: Rome capital between the Pontifical State and the Unitary State
Inside a general framework of events and debates, the course intends to analyse the role of Rome as the capital first of the Papal States and then of the Kingdom of Italy, connecting to the more general Roman question seen above all from the observation point represented by the eternal city and its inhabitants. We will start from the Roman Jacobin Republic (1798-1799) to arrive at the crisis of the liberal government in the early twentieth century. The main historiographic debates related to the role and the importance of the city and the Roman Question in the construction of a united Italy will be recalled and space will be given to reading and commenting on documents, to start the students with a critical approach to literature and sources.
(reference books)
1) Dossier of documents provided from the teacher (download from personal website). 2) MARIO BELARDINELLI, Il Risorgimento e la realizzazione della comunità nazionale, Roma, edizioni Studium, 2011. 3) CATHERINE BRICE, Storia di Roma e dei romani, Roma, Viella, 2009, pp. 9-228. 4) La capitale della nazione. Roma e la sua provincia nella crisi del sistema liberale, a cura di Paolo carusi, Roma, Viella, 2011, pp. 1-94; 123-156.
Attending students will be given further information during the lessons.