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20703314 MUSEOLOGY in Archaeology and Art History L-1 N0 ROLFI SERENELLA
The birth of the museum institution in Europe between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
The course will trace the history of some eighteenth-century European collections at the base of the birth of the museum institution in order to provide the tools for understanding the foundation and function of the museum through the history of single Roman case studies. Lectures will alternate with visits and seminars dedicated to the history of the museum as an institution of the Age of Enlightenment. In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the first modern, public museums of art—civic, state, or national—appeared throughout Europe, setting a standard for the nature of such institutions that influence the role of the museums to the present day. Although the emergence of these museums was an international development and the course aims to share their history through of the earliest major examples, from the Capitoline Museum in Rome, opened in 1734, to the Alte Pinakothek in Munich, opened in 1836. During the lessons will be presented the historiographic hubs useful to understand the evolution of museums and their role in the protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage.
(reference books)
F. Haskell, The ephemeral museum. Old master painting and the rise of the art exhibition, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2000 (trad. it. La nascita delle mostre. I dipinti degli antichi maestri e l’origine delle esposizioni d’arte, Milano-Ginevra, Skira, 2008
S. Costa, D. Poulot, M. Volait ( a cura di), The period rooms: allestimenti storici tra arte, collezionismo e museologia, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016
A. Emiliani, Dall'ambiente al museo, in Capire l'Italia. Il Patrimonio storico artistico, Turing Club Italiano, Milano 1979, pp. 8-31. M. Ferretti e A. Buzzoni, Musei, in Capire l'Italia. Il Patrimonio storico-artistico, TCI, Milano 1979, pp. 112-131.
ADDITIONAL TEXTS FOR NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS: choose from one of the texts reported here
M.C. Mazzi, In viaggio con le muse. Spazi e modelli del museo, Firenze, Edifir, 2005
K. Pomian, Collectionneurs, amateurs et curieux. Paris, Venise : XV.e-XVIII.e siècle, Paris, 1987 (trad. it Collezionisti, amatori e curiosi. Parigi-Venezia XVI-XVIII secolo, Milano, Il Saggiatore, 2007).
The First Modern Museums of Art: The Birth of an Institution in 18th- and Early-19th-Century Europe, a cura di Carol Paul, Getty Publications 2000